A few years back a wonderful woman, originally from Swansea, then living in Wimbledon village, generously gave me a recording of her still rich Swansea accent for my work accent library. She was, at the time, selling what she described as the cheapest house in Wimbledon village – 1.5 million. She and her husband had put out trestle tables by the front door and were selling off the contents of the house to passersby, which is how I came to meet her. When we got chatting, she took me around the house which had a couple of dogs and cats and a rabbit or two hopping around. Her life and the life of her husband was devoted to animals and rescuing them from laboratories and vivisection. She and her husband had come from Swansea to live in Wimbledon where they both worked as nurses in Atkinson Morley hospital. They scraped together enough for a mortgage on a first house, rented out all the rooms and slept in the kitchen. Gradually they were able to buy the house in Wimbledon village, which they were now selling. The profit on the sale would go to organizations against Vivisection and experiments on animals. My lovely cat Pru went missing in Beeston, near to the laboratories at Nottingham University and at the time there were lots cats that went missing – as reported in the Evening Post. I hated the thought that Pru had been kidnapped for experiments – wouldn’t any pet owner? How can we avoid epidemics like Coronavirus until we stop abusing animals in general and using them in laboratories in particular? I support and celebrate you lady from Swansea and remember you on this Women’s Day 2021.