Happy Women’s Day to all women. Ironic that Women’s Day falls in National Career’s week. There are still areas that women feel less able than men to further their careers.
Sometimes it’s a self-esteem issue and holds women back from self-promotion. Highlighting their success in front of peers is still challenging for many women, leading to their taking less in salaries and not charging enough. Why is it that many women still lack confidence about their true worth and accept that their career timeline will take longer than their male counterparts? Once you accept your true worth, you are valued accordingly. Confidence is key. I congratulate all the women who are making themselves role models for future generations. I have had the pleasure of coaching women who are now at the top of their professions. It starts with questions – how can I make myself heard in noisy meetings? How can I get my views heard without feeling bad about them? How can I deliver a report, speech, or presentation that has meaningful impact. Self confidence is the key and ask all women to consider everything they’ve done and do to make themselves good at their jobs. What you put in deserves results, be confident about it.