It was an amazing experience for me to see Waiting for Godot at the Haymarket last week. If you love the theatre, love great acting and great direction then I would recommend seeing the play which runs until December 21st. The stark set of the tree on the hillock inside the surrounding gold picture frame of the proscenium stage, gave us the feeling that we (the audience) were about to experience a work of art – no disappointment there. The characters are well embedded into their parts and ring true. It’s sad and funny and perhaps because of the times we live in, I found it more uplifting than bleak. It was the 5th time I’ve seen Waiting For Godot – I study Theatre Arts anyway – but I’ve loved Beckett since I was at school – thank you Nottingham City Council play library. Every time I see the play I get something different from it. Why was this the best Waiting for Godot I’ve seen? There was nothing extra added to the play and everything in the play was there. It was as fresh as if the actors had just landed on the stage. It was a gift. All the voices were in synch and the staging perfect for the Haymarket auditorium. Ellis Pang, Lucian Msamati, Ben Whishaw, Tom Edden, Jonathan Slinger and director James MacDonald, thank you for this treat.