When people repeat what you say just after you’ve said it, it can drive you to distraction, but many people don’t even know that they’re doing it. It’s better to adapt. Be patient and kind towards them . It’s just an expression of their love and admiration for you.
The same reasoning applies when others express their love and admiration by finishing off what we’ve begun to say.
It’s a habit that can be irritating when your partner, child, sister, brother, colleague, friend finishes off your sentences for you. It can also be scary to know that someone is so right in predicting what you’re going to say. When this happens, take heart and be kind – it’s a demonstration of love and admiration.
Susan Dikker of New York’s University Department of Psychology says that the predictive power of our brains can play an important role in human communication, (as if we didn’t know):-
“During conversation, we adapt our speech rate and word choices to each other — for example, when explaining science to a child as opposed to a fellow scientist — and these processes are governed by our brains, which correspondingly align to each other.”
Consider what happened to Echo, the nymph from Greek mythology, who was hopelessly in love with Narcissus and pined away until nothing was left of her but her voice.

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