An impassioned speech in Glasgow by Gordon Brown gave the No vote a boost the day before the referendum. Although Glasgow still voted for independence – no surprise there, many re-thought the way they were going to vote. As one voter said,
“He was a shite prime minister, but that was a pretty good speech.”
Listening to his voice: full, rich and emotionally charged, you have to wonder if this is the voice of the only man who could gain independence for Scotland. Now Salmond’s gone – there is a leadership hole – but even in politician’s terms this may one step too far in the power game.
Gordon Brown’s father was a Presbyterian Minister and he must have heard his father preach when he was a boy. Certainly the fervour was present in this referendum speech. Many great speakers and actors throughout our history have grown up listening to their father or a close relative speaking from a pulpit. Fervour from the pulpit is now considered by many to be in bad taste and a cover for a lack of conviction – fervour from leaders and motivational speakers is all the rage.