It’s true that there are some great voices in the media and acting world at the moment. Some will make you melt some will make you cry and some will make you angry, but it’s unlikely that any of them will alienate you.
This alienation (being pushed away by someone’s voice) happens when the person’s voice sounds different to yours, (hostile) or without appropriate emotional content. Comforting and gentle voices are what we need to hear when we’re ill or in shock – it’s one of the reasons why children in hospital need to hear their parents voices or old people in care need to hear gentle voices around them.
While some accents and dialects can sound harsher than others, it’s not the accent itself that will alienate; it’s the way the accent is used that will express the harshness/softness, emotionless/emotional element of our voice.
Sometimes coaching in elocution is referred to as accent softening – particularly by companies in India. The different use of breath and rhythm in standard English is seen as a means of “softening” the way Indian English is spoken. Whatever the first language (and there are over 400 of them in London at the moment), real connection and use of voice come from understanding how the voice works. Coaches, carers and counsellors are increasing in numbers on the Speak English Clearly course. The benefit of learning an English accent that will be understood internationally is good. The importance of being able to comfort and put people at ease with your voice in the caring professions is paramount. This is why coaching in the way we produce the voice and the thought to voice connection is also taught on the Speak English Clearly course.
To find out more about the specialist course on thought to voice connection go to our
Improve Your Voice by 90% course page
To find out more about learning standard English go to our
Speak English Clearly page
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