Wonderful news about Kazuo Ishiguro being selected for the Nobel prize for literature. A graduate of the creative writing course at the University of East Anglia, started and led by the great teacher and writer Malcolm Bradbury. All Ishiguro’s books read extremely well out loud. It’s as if he has planted the words in a rhythmic conspiracy to hold your heart just far enough away from the raw emotions of the narrator. When We Were Orphans, is my favourite Kazuo Ishiguro book. If you can only read some of it out loud, it gives you a deeper sense of being inside the setting of the book. The lingering, bitter sweet sensation, which is the end result of coming through a totally absorbing and often traumatic story, is enough. Ishiguro’s writing is sometimes about characters finding themselves in circumstances beyond their control, often due to political upheaval. I suppose then that Kazuo Ishiguro has enough material now to last him a lifetime.