There are parts of California that are wonderful to visit surprisingly good for the soul. I’m thinking about a place I stayed in outside San Francisco where after meals, families and friends gave each other counselling. There were lots of hugs. In the same neighbourhood, you could find groups who got together, sat around in a circle and passed the talking stick. Sometimes there was a subject but it was mostly “tell us a story”. I miss that. I like listening to music seated in a group with friends, so it’s good to see this and talking circles coming here. I’ve seen interior designs where there’s a dip in the floor for circular sofas. We may not know we have a need to talk in this way. The tradition is one that comes from African and North American Indian villages. In parts of Hungary and other places where it’s super cold in the winter there is a natural gathering around the fire. Listening to music in small groups, talking in small groups, really does colour our experience. Sound waves can heal and help our physical and mental well being. We have an innate human desire for connection and the healing power of shared experiences.