How wonderful that TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) conferences can be watched for a mere $600 per conference. A platform for the great thinkers of today, the messages may not always be relevant to us as individuals but like all good public speeches they leave us inspired and uplifted. Now Carmine Gallo has written a book about how to deliver public speeches TED-style. “Talk Like TED – The 9 Public Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds”. Gallo says that TED speeches have to be no longer than18 minutes, they have to teach an audience something new, include a few jokes and have a magic revelatory moment. This is all good and would help, especially with structure. The biggest problem for someone preparing an important speech is how to put across and maintain with precision, the sensation they felt when the events or facts contained in the speech were experienced by them, to be of crucial importance. Silicon valley style has hit the public speaking circuit and has shaken things up for the better. Let’s widen our bandwidth forthwith.
Andrew Solomon closed the Vancouver, Canada TED March conference with: Forge meaning, build identity. “Forging meaning is about changing yourself, building identity is about changing the world.” So now you’ll know what it means if someone tells you to go forge yourself. Click on Larry Page below and get to see the “Where’s Google Going Next” TED interview with Larry Page.