Do Accents Spoil Your chance of Getting a Job?

Do Accents Spoil Your chance of Getting a Job?


The girl who called this morning from ITV said she was preparing a piece about how accent prejudice can spoil your chances of getting a job.  She said that’s perhaps why people come on  the Max Your Voice – Speak English Clearly course,  to neutralise their accent.  Of course the main reason why people come to us for coaching in accent neutralisation is to improve their career prospects.
I’ve trained many people to successfully get through job interviews.  If people understand what you’re saying and you’re pleased to be there saying it and confident – then it’s down to how well you can do the job.  In 10 years of coaching people for interviews I’ve only had 3 people who didn’t get the job they were applying for – and it wasn’t because of  their accent.  I’ve had other people who’ve been sent to me by their hospital or company because they are ready for promotion but their accent is holding them back.   Never be deterred – you can learn to speak English with a clearer accent even if your accent is very heavy.  The Turkish restaurant owner  and  Turkish writer S.E. Sever, who both now speak English clearly and beautifully are wonderful examples.

If you speak clearly others listen, if they speak clearly, you listen.

Next Speak English Clearly Course:

June 7th and 8th – 1 Harley Street, W1

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