I came across the article below written by Lynne Wallis for the Daily Mail when I was researching botox treatment for dysphonia.
“When I hit 50 over a year ago, I began doing everything possible to halt the ageing process. I intensified my exercise regime, began using expensive anti-ageing creams, cut down on alcohol, started eating more healthily and had my hair dyed professionally instead of doing it at home over the bathroom sink.
Then I realised something. Was I imagining it, or was my voice starting to betray my age? To me it sounded deeper, as well as reedy and a bit crackly.
Friends kept asking if I had a cold, then one day a man in a call centre began speaking to me in that rather deliberate way people in their 20s talk to people over 50. I’d been rumbled.
What use were smooth skin and glossy hair if my voice screamed — or rather croaked — ‘old biddy’?
As a journalist, I spend lots of time on the phone, and am also a semi-professional jazz singer, so it’s very important for me to sound good. I quit smoking three years ago and it just didn’t seem fair that I was now croaky. I wanted to be clear and bell-like again.
Surely someone, somewhere could help me? After all, there are now specific treatments for everything from ninkles (knee wrinkles) to cankles (fat ankles).
Sure enough, after trawling the internet, I found out that in America some women are having surgery to rejuvenate their vocal cords — ‘voicelifts’, if you will.
The treatment isn’t yet available in the UK for cosmetic purposes, but luckily, I also unearthed an article about a consultant in London who helps people keep their voices sounding young and healthy.”
The consultant turns out to be John Rubin who is our consultant specialist at Max Your Voice and it makes interesting reading if you click on the link below. Students on the MA Voice course at Central have mentioned to me that they are amazed at how young and vital the voices of voice coaches aged 80 plus sound. There is a great deal to be said for all the exercises that voice coaches give. The main thing is that it gives your voice flexibility and ease. A wonderful example of this is Rona Laurie who has been a voice coach for over 45 years.