When it emerged that Michelle Williams was paid $80 a day to do the re-shoots on All the Money in the World and Mark Wahlberg was paid $1.5 million it was astounding. Even more so because they both share the same agent William Morris Endeavor – what were they thinking? Is it acceptable that women will take less than their male counterparts? Last year research done on women’s salaries revealed that women are less willing to ask for a pay rise and are less willing to negotiate on salary than men. There used to be a tradition that women were the chief carers in the family and therefore many women thought they would jeopardise their position at work by asking for more money, given that they had paid leave with a new baby. It left a residue of perhaps acceptance, perhaps fear that they would not be looked upon as worthy for larger salaries. During the past few years, I’ve carried in my work case, The Amazing Secrets of How to Negotiate Your Salary by Derek Arden, who (I’m so grateful) gave me a signed copy when we worked together. It has helped many of my female clients – and male clients – because the points are easy to make and it’s for everyone, it’s generic.
The good news from All The Money in the World is that Mark Wahlberg gave his $1.5 million to the charity Time’s Up and that William Morris Endeavor gave $500,00 on behalf of Michelle Williams – $1 million short of Mark Wahlberg’s donation but things are moving on….